Distribution of Negahban Rashan Bags has started under the Digital Surveillance of Maryam Nawaz in 2024

In her speech, Maryam Nawaz said that she would provide flour to meet the needs of the poor by following the food distribution digitally. If the needs of poor people are not met, they will face serious economic problems. Maryam Nawaz, who is ready to deliver her policies to their doorstep, touched upon the necessity of human hands, stating that she will track the delivery digitally with the help of real-time control panels and modern technology to deliver the right products.

Maryam Nawaz’s announcement regarding digital Surveillance

Maryam Nawaz, the first female chief minister of Punjab, said that due to the increase in inflation, the poor classes are not able to buy necessary things, and they are facing financial problems and serious problems. To solve these problems, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the Nigehbaan Assistance Programme. Free flour and food will be distributed to everyone in need. According to these ideas, Maryam Nawaz will not only provide goods and food to the poor but will also aim to bring ration bags to the doorsteps of the needy so that they can meet their needs.

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To whom, Rashan bags will be delivered to the doorstep?

Only those who qualify will receive assistance in this program, so it is important to meet the eligibility criteria as many people are eligible for assistance but fail to receive assistance because they do not follow the required procedures. Maryam Nawaz released all the information before the update.

  • They will be eligible to receive assistance by updating all previous documents.
  • Some people whose monthly income is around 60,000 or 65,000 will be able to benefit from the assistance.
  • People who are in extreme financial poverty will be able to benefit from the assistance.
  • Single-parent women facing financial problems can get help from this program.

Food items that will be given in Rashan Bags in 2024

Negehban Assistance Program assists those who deserve it. Therefore, those who meet the eligibility criteria will be able to benefit from the Program. Within the scope of this program, free atta and food supplies will be delivered to their doors so that citizens who cannot pay for food can get their rights.

The 10 kg sacks will be distributed to the needy and deserving people within the scope of the Nigehbaan Aid Program. Food items include two kilos of flour, two kilos of rice, two kilos of sugar, two kilos of beans, two kilos of ghee, etc. These allowances are provided only to eligible individuals whose needs cannot be met due to inflation. 

Maryam Nawaz will take after the procedure digitally

Maryam Nawaz gave the good news of food and flour and said that in today’s world where technology is advancing, her Digital Nigrani will be there in the distribution of the package so that everything goes well. Flour sacks and food sacks will be opened, the contents will be completed and distributed to those in need.

Also Read: Introduction of 8171 New Ramzan Relief Program by Maryam Nawaz


In conclusion, Maryam Nawaz said that she was very sad when she saw people coming to buy food and flour but returning empty-handed as they didn’t have enough money to buy. That’s why she wants to deliver the aid to the door of the right people. Previously, people had to go to utility stores to get their ration but currently, the planning steps have been changed and assistance will be provided to those, who need it, at their homes.

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