Re-launching the iPads Scheme again in the Province of Punjab by Maryam Nawaz in 2024

The recent announcement by the authorities in Pakistan’s Punjab province to provide free iPads to school students has sparked interest and controversy. The program aims to help college students develop skills to gain experience with technology tools. However, there are still many issues with proper implementation and management of pros and cons. 

Re-launching iPad and computer scheme

Maryam Nawaz asked the authorities to launch an investigation into providing free iPads to school students. In a significant development, he spoke at a high-level meeting to evaluate the development of higher education projects. He shared tips on restarting the free computer and iPad program at the conference. This is a suitable picture for all college students in Punjab.

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Empowering Students

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has launched the iPad and Laptop Initiative, an ambitious plan with dreams of distributing iPads and laptops to deserving students, intending to reform higher education in Punjab and provide fair opportunities to college students. The initiative, implemented with the help of the Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF), demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving education and empowerment of youth.

Digitalizing the Students

Under the visionary rule of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, Punjab has embarked on a journey to negotiate the educational landscape. Realizing the critical nature of technology in today’s world, the authorities launched the Maryam Nawaz iPad and Laptop Program to provide students with the necessary digital tools.

InitiativeRe-launching the iPads and computers scheme to provide free digital tools to students in Punjab.
PurposeEmpowering students with digital tools for skill development and educational enhancement.
ImplementationCollaboration with the Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) to ensure effective initiative execution.
VisionAimed at reforming higher education and providing fair opportunities to college students in Punjab.


In a significant development, CM Maryam asked the students to research on iPads and computers in Punjab. The school principal said that the decision on the distribution of iPads and laptops will be made after assessing the needs of the students.

Also Read: No Application Process in the Package of the Negahban Program


Is the Laptop scheme going to be relaunched in Punjab?

PML-N officials in Punjab are preparing to relaunch the initiative of providing free computers and iPads to students.

What is the aim of Maryam Nawaz’s iPad scheme?

The program aims to help college students develop skills to gain experience with technology tools.

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