Friday Payment of 10500 Rupees under Ehsaas for Different programs 2024

The Ehsaas project initiated by the Government of Pakistan has become a ray of hope for millions of poor people across the country. The program provides financial assistance and community health support to reduce poverty and strengthen disadvantaged communities. In the latest development, the government announced the launch of Ehsaas Friday Payment of 10,500 Rupees across various schemes under its umbrella. Let’s take a look at the details of this big update.

March 2024 Payment of Ehsaas Program

The Ehsaas scheme was launched under the vision of interim Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar and is the largest social security scheme in the history of Pakistan. It includes various measures for poverty reduction, social protection, and financial inclusion.

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Ehsaas Friday’s payment of 10,500 RupeesĀ 

Ehsaas Friday’s payment of 10,500 Rupees is the most significant payment for Ehsaas’ business. As per the initiative, financial assistance of Rs 10,500 is being given to eligible individuals. This money will help many beneficiaries across the country.

Ehsaas Friday’s payment of 10,500 Rupees Benefits

  • Increased subsidy: To further support the beneficiaries, the subsidy has been increased to Rs 10,500.
  • Inclusion of people who were not previously eligible: People who were not previously eligible due to reasons such as identity cards not matching or incomplete surveys will be included in the program. Now available for payment.
  • Expansion of payments: Beneficiaries can receive payments through ATMs, making it easier and more convenient.

Simple Distribution Process of Payment

An important feature of Ehsaas Friday Payment 10500 is its simple distribution process. Here are some important points regarding fund distribution:

  • ATM Availability: Beneficiaries can receive payment via card ATM from ATMs in many places.
  • Regional distribution: Payments will be made across the country, ensuring that beneficiaries in various provinces, including Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan, receive their benefits.

How many People will receive Payment?

The exact number of beneficiaries who will start receiving money on Friday, March has not been determined yet. However, it is expected to cover the majority of eligible people in the region.

Also Read: BREAKING NEWS: Online Registration of Ehsaas Survey Program 2024


The 10,500 Rupees distributed by Ehsaas on Friday represents an important step in fulfilling the government’s commitment to addressing health and poverty. The aim is to provide greater support to poor groups by increasing financial aid and expanding payments. Ehsaas’ work continues to make an impact on promoting inclusion and financial empowerment by engaging previously disenfranchised individuals and improving ease of payment.

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