Is there any Registration Fee for the Registration Process of BISP in 2024?

Is there a fee for registering with BISP? Maryam Nawaz, the Chief Minister of Punjab, set up the BISP enrollment cost. Fees are frequently asked during program registration; therefore, the Chief Minister of Punjab has removed this method and made BISP registration free. You will now receive assistance without difficulty following your registration with BISP. So don’t worry—you no longer need to pay the BISP registration cost.

No Payment for Registration

If you go to a bank account to deposit BISP program funds and are asked for a fee, remember that there is no fee for the BISP program. You may be required to pay a cost related to the amount when withdrawing funds from a nearby bank account or an approved grocery store for the BISP program. Please remember that there is no price for the BISP program; therefore, you will receive your entire payment upon registration.

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Check your Eligibility for BISP

The Chief Minister of Punjab has established a new approach to determining eligibility for the BISP program. This procedure will ensure that your registration and eligibility verification are successful. It also ensures that you update your information if you are ineligible for the program. You verified your eligibility after amending it. If you need an internet connection or a smartphone or aren’t literate, don’t panic; you can find out your qualifications using this method.

Registration through Mobile

A Keypad Mobile Phone will play a vital role in determining your eligibility, so you must seek assistance after checking your eligibility with your Keypad Mobile Phone. You must recall your Nadira-issued ID card number and enter it into Mubarak’s new message using the keypad. You must ensure your information is current and valid; your card identification number will be sent to the BISP center and checked.

Key InformationDetails
Registration FeeThe Chief Minister of Punjab removed the fee for BISP registration.
Eligibility VerificationThe Chief Minister of Punjab established the new approach to determine eligibility.
Registration ProcessUse of a keypad mobile phone to check eligibility and registration.


Those previously ineligible for the BISP program will become eligible as soon as their information is updated. If you wish to participate in the BISP program but have yet to be disqualified, please visit your nearest BISPK facility. Update your registration details and attach your documents. Updating will allow you to qualify for the program as soon as feasible.

Also Read: Immediate Registration Open for Ehsaas Nashonuma Program 2024 (Latest Updates)


Is there any registration fee for the BISP?

The Chief Minister of Punjab has removed this method and made BISP registration free.

Who set the new approach for the program?

The Chief Minister of Punjab has established a new approach to determining eligibility for the BISP program.

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