Who Will Get the E-Rickshaw From the Government of Punjab 2024

The E-Rickshaw Program In light of the recent increase in petrol prices, the Punjab government launched the E-Rickshaw initiative. In which the poor people of Punjab will be given electric power strength. All of Punjab’s horrible people will receive this E-rickshaws program. They will be able to find work with at least 25,000 of their wide variety. The government created this plan to improve the financial situation.

Who will get the E-Rickshaw?

In many places now, it is not a high priority. Only poor, jobless people—those who continue to live in awful poverty—will receive the e-rickshaws that are being supplied to the poor guys. Suppose you would instead purchase an electric rickshaw. You must enrol in the electric rickshaw program as soon as possible if you want to benefit fully from it and are having financial difficulties receiving this rickshaw as quickly as possible.

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Good Transportation

The development of E-Rickshaws marks a significant advancement toward modernization and efficiency in Punjab’s transportation industry. These vehicles, outfitted with superior features like electric motors and rechargeable batteries, ensure simple and dependable operation, improving standard transportation services.

Benefits of the E-Rickshaw Scheme

There are several benefits to the distribution of E-Rickshaws for Punjab’s transportation options and stakeholders: The government encourages self-employment and financial empowerment by providing E-Rickshaws to potential business owners, particularly those from low-income families. These vehicles offer stable subsistence, improving communities and promoting economic independence.

Registration Procedure

Get this rickshaw by registering; those participating in the program benefit significantly. Following registration, you must visit Punjab Bank and fully publish your utility in the scheme. You will then be aware that you have received certification in it. You will be informed of the steps you must take during each procedure.

Scheme NameE-Rickshaw Scheme
ObjectiveTo distribute electric-powered rickshaws to the poor population of Punjab, providing them with opportunities for self-employment and financial empowerment amidst rising petrol prices.
Target BeneficiariesPoor individuals residing in Punjab, particularly those who are unemployed and living in extreme poverty, are prioritized to receive the E-Rickshaws.


Maryam Nawaz, the Punjab Minister, initially initiated the Electric Rickshaw Scheme. The poor people of Punjab are supplied with these electric-powered rickshaws. By purchasing this electric-powered rickshaw, you can also eliminate your need for petrol. You can get this rickshaw if you choose to remain in Punjab. Upon obtaining this rickshaw, you can create your own job.

Also Read: Good News! Registration Process for Roshan Gharana Scheme through Bank of Punjab Latest Updates 2024


From which bank can we register for this program?

Following registration, you must visit Punjab Bank and fully publish your utility in the scheme.

What is the benefit of the scheme?

The government encourages self-employment and financial empowerment by providing E-Rickshaws to potential business owners.

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