Benazir Kafalat Double Installment 21000 New Update in July 2024

BISP has launched the Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 Program, providing a double installment of Rs 21000 to all poor people. This is a significant opportunity for them to complete their registration and receive Rs 21000, enabling them to meet their daily living needs and easily access this installment. This is a significant step towards addressing the poverty crisis.

Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 Details 

The BISP has announced a double installment of Benazir Kafaalat, now worth Rs 21000, to all the poor. This is a golden opportunity for those who cannot complete their registration or verification due to a lack of thumb verification or documents. The program is open to eligible individuals who cannot complete their registration due to any reason. To participate, one must complete their registration and receive the double installment worth Rs 21000. This is a significant step towards providing financial assistance to the poor.

Program DetailsThe Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 program offers a double installment of Rs 21000 to all eligible poor individuals.
Eligibility CriteriaNo government jobs for family members, poverty rate below 60%, no private homes, minimal residential/agricultural areas, no illegal activities.
Family RequirementsFamilies must have no members employed in government jobs, must not exceed a 60% poverty rate, and must have minimal property holdings.
Registration ProcessComplete registration and verification processes, ensuring all required documents and thumb verifications are in order.

Also Read: BISP SMS Services Experiencing Issues in 2024 (Latest Updates)

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Double Installment 21000 Program Update

Poor people eligible for the Benazir Kafaalat Program who couldn’t complete their registration due to lack of documents or incomplete thumb verification are now eligible to receive a double installment amount. This is a great opportunity for those who haven’t received all the installments due to the program. Not all poor people can receive the full amount of 21000, as they may not know about their account or haven’t verified their funds. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria can be eligible for this program.

Family Requirements:

  • No government jobs for all family members.
  • The poverty rate should not exceed 60%.
  • No private homes.
  • Minimal residential/agricultural areas.
  • Absence of illegal activities like theft/robbery.

Check Eligibility in Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 by SMS

Eligible individuals who have completed their registration for the Benazir Kafaalat program can obtain information about the new double installment amount of 21 thousand rupees from Basani. This information is available to those who want to know if they will receive the money or have any questions about the money. The process is easy.

Mobile ID Card Program Registration:

  • Open message inbox.
  • Enter your ID card number.
  • Send a message to 8171.
  • Eligibility information to be provided.
  • Money information to be provided.
  • Non-registration is required for office registration.

Check Eligibility in Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 by Web Portal

The government has introduced a web portal for poor people who have completed their registration in the Benazir Kafaalat program. This portal allows them to access information about their income and glasses quality, as well as the amount they will receive. This convenient tool is designed for those who have not had access to it, making it easier for them to access their income information at home.

Mobile BISP Eligibility Check Process:

  • Open Chrome on mobile phones.
  • Visit BISP’s official site.
  • Select the eligibility check page.
  • Enter your ID card number.
  • Enter a four-word captcha code.
  • Click the “Check Now” button.
  • Access income and eligibility information.


Families who were unable to receive installments from the Benazir Kafaalat program due to lack of information or registration non-completion have been eligible for a Rs 21000 grant from BISP. The announcement is provided in an article, which provides all the necessary information. The article can be read for more details.

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Who is eligible for the Benazir Kafaalat Double Installment 21000 Program 2024?

Families with no government job holders, a poverty rate below 60%, no private homes, minimal land, and no criminal activity.

How can I check my eligibility for the program?

You can check your eligibility by sending your ID card number to 8171 via SMS or by visiting the BISP official website.

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