Solar Panel Scheme 50,000 Registration Method for Ineligible Persons 2024

Unqualified individuals can register for a solar panel scheme at the Punjab Bank branch, but must bring the necessary documents, as detailed information is provided below. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has established the Punjab State Solar Panel Scheme, it will give away free rooftop panels to 50,000 Punjab homeowners. The offer was created to benefit Lahore households who utilize 500 to three units of power every month. To register, residents must fulfill the requirements for admission, which involve a thorough procedure for registration and a clear explanation of qualifying criteria.

Bank Branch RegistrationVisit the nearest Bank of Punjab branch with your identity card and passport-size photo. Obtain, fill out, attach necessary documents, and submit the form.
Online RegistrationSearch the Bank of Punjab’s portal for the Solar Panel Scheme form. Enter information, attach and upload documents. Eligibility will be checked online.

Important Points Of Solar Panel Scheme

This initiative is only available to Punjab citizens who consume 100 to 300 units of energy per month, hold a Ludhiana identity card, and are employed in another province. Eligible individuals can apply both online and offline. Renters who live in condominiums can register, but they must provide proof of occupancy and seek consent from the property owner.

Also Read: New Announcement: Sindh’s Solar Panel Scheme 2024 (Comprehensive Guide)

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Solar Panel Scheme Registration Method

Solar Panel Scheme Registration Procedures:

  • Search Bank of Punjab’s portal and find the Solar Panel Scheme form. Enter information, attach and upload necessary documents. Information will be checked and eligibility will be determined.
  • Visit the nearest Bank of Punjab branch, and bring an identity card and passport-size photo. Get the form from the bank representative. Enter all information, attach necessary documents, and submit the form.

How To Get Solar Panels from the Punjab Government?

The federal government will award those who qualify with a three-kilowatt array of solar panels. This system comprises all components, as well as rectifier batteries. The federal government will put it in your home.

You will pay 25% of the total purchase price for this solar panel camera in monthly installments. The taxpayers will pay 75% of the total sum. Only Punjab residents are eligible to receive this solar panel system. Only those who submit their applications properly will be judged eligible.

Also Read: Good News: Solar Panel Installation with Bank Alfalah


Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has created a solar balance for the people of Punjab, that you may register for at your that were nearest Punjab Bank. You will receive a three-kilowatt solar panel system with all of the elements described above. People in Punjab must enroll in the program to receive free power during this period of inflation.


When can unqualified people sign up for the Punjab Solar Panel Scheme?

Have your photo identification plus one passport-sized picture to the next Bank of Punjab branch. Retrieve the registration form, complete it, attach all required papers, and submit it.

What, if any are the qualifying requirements for the scheme?

Persons of Punjab who consume 100 to 300 units of energy per month, have a Punjabi identity card, and work in another province are eligible. Landlords must produce evidence of occupancy and landlord approval.

What perks do qualified persons get under the scheme?

Eligible Candidates will receive a 3-kilowatt solar panel system, including all components, with the government’s financing 75% of the cost. The receiver pays 25% in monthly installments.

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