CM Punjab iPad Program for Students: What’s New in 2024

The Punjab iPad program, launched by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, aims to teach kids using modern technology in all of Punjab’s schools. This states that iPads will be given to all Punjab schools in addition to books so that students can embrace the current educational approach and do better work in the future.

Maryam Nawaz’s Directions

A committee appointed by the Punjab government is tasked with determining how long the iPad program should be implemented. To ensure that the iPad program may be implemented in schools throughout Punjab as quickly as feasible, the Chief Minister of Punjab has given directions to HEC in this regard. Additionally, youngsters can receive a digital education.

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HEC’s iPad Scheme Survey

In an effort to launch the iPad program on behalf of the Punjab government, HEC and a few schools in the province have begun a survey. This survey will demonstrate how much contemporary technology can teach kids. Should this study prove to be effective, the Punjab government would roll out the iPad program over the entire province, giving iPads to every student for educational purposes. Currently, the Punjab Government and HEC are conducting this survey in a small number of schools. ln order to gather student comments about the delivery of digital education via iPad and to make action plans for the future in accordance with those opinions.

Process of Registering for the Punjab iPad Scheme Latest Update 2024

To date, the Punjab government has not instituted a formal registration procedure. A few cities are being used for the iPad scheme’s testing by the Punjab government and HEC. Should it prove successful, the government ought to implement a structured budget and registration process for the program. All students enrolled in direct schools will receive these iPads, according to government announcements. All children in Punjab will receive iPads for free as part of the iPad Scheme. Also, they will be charged some money.


The Punjab government has established requirements for recipients of iPads. The kids will get iPads if they meet the eligibility requirements.

  • A child’s attendance at school must be above 80% in order to receive an iPad.
  • The young person ought to have a brilliant academic record.
  • The child needs to be enrolled in a public school.
  • The child needs to be able to utilize an iPad in order to receive one.
AttendanceAbove 80% attendance at school
Academic RecordMust have a brilliant academic record
School EnrollmentEnrolled in a public school
Ability to Use an iPadMust be able to utilize an iPad


The Punjab government has declared that should the iPad project survey prove to be fruitful, all Punjab schools will be equipped with iPads at no cost to the students. in order for them to use digital technology to receive a better education and provide better outcomes in the field of education. The Punjab government declared that youngsters who excel in school will receive iPads. They consistently show up for their classes in the iPad program at school.

Also Read: Benefits of the Punjab “Roshan Gharana Scheme” 2024 Latest Updates


What should be the student’s attendance to receive an iPad?

A child’s attendance at school must be above 80% in order to receive an iPad.

Can a Private school Student get a laptop?

The child needs to be enrolled in a public school.

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