Eligibility Criteria and Complete Registration Process of Nashonuma Program in 2024

Registration for the 7500 Benazir Nashonuma Program is open through May. The Benazir Nashwanma program was established for women whose inability to meet their own needs comes from financial hardships and whose newborn frequently suffers from illnesses. Because she lacks the funds to take her medications and food on time, the Pakistani government has started the Benazir Development Program. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under two years old receive monthly stipends of 2000. Since only a healthy mother can give birth to a healthy child, they meet their basic needs in order for the child to be born healthy.

Nashonuma Registration Process

You can register for the program at the Nashonuma Center at the closest Tehsil Headquarters Hospital if you are also qualified for it and would like help. The Development Center should only be visited by women who fulfill the requirements for eligibility. To ensure a successful registration, women should finish all of their documents before registering. Within these documents are:

  • NADRA-issued identity card
  • Child’s Bay Form provided by Nadra
  • You must have a children’s immunization card.
  • Which is important for the accomplishment of your registration.

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Eligibility Criteria

Only the women who meet the program’s eligibility requirements will receive aid under the development program, as the Pakistani government has decided to only help those who deserve it. The new government has established new eligibility requirements; under this program, Wazaif is only given to those who fulfill these requirements.

  • Women who are struggling financially and are unable to meet their own needs
  • Pregnant mothers
  • This program is open to women who are nursing and have at least one child under the age of two.
  • If you are not eligible, please update your prior information so that your registration is accepted with the most recent details.

Key PointsDetails
Program NameBenazir Nashonuma Program
PurposeProviding financial support and assistance to women facing financial hardships during pregnancy and nursing, and to ensure the health and well-being of newborns and young children under two years old.


The government helps women after they confirm their eligibility and register for the program. The goal of giving a newborn child Rs 2000 a month is to make them healthier so they won’t contract illnesses after birth. 2000 because this program offers monthly support to worthy women. in which they attend to their basic needs and take their medication and food on schedule.

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How much will be given to the targeted mothers?

The goal of giving a newborn child Rs 2000 a month is to make them healthier so they won’t contract illnesses after birth.

What are the documents required for the registration process?

  • NADRA-issued identity card
  • Child’s Bay Form provided by Nadra
  • You must have a children’s immunization card.
  • Which is important for the accomplishment of your registration.
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