Good News for the 100 Units of Electricity Consumers 2024 – Roshan Gharana Scheme

That is, homes consuming up to 100 units of electricity will be given access to solar systems. He stated that these solar systems will be delivered right to people’s doors as part of the Ramadan package. This solar system may include an up-to-date solar plate, inverter, battery, and accessories.

100 Units of Electricity Consumers

Solar systems are supplied to customers using one hundred units from BISP. Hundreds of solar systems are being provided to consumers. Now that they have solar systems, the program’s poor segments will be able to improve their lives. Maryam Nawaz Sahiba, the chief minister of Punjab, has announced that solar panels will be given to people experiencing poverty who use less than 100 units of electricity and are concerned about inflation.

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Giving Solar Systems to Poor People

Through this program, which will give away 50,000 solar systems to consumers, Maryam Nawaz is assisting low-income families. Aid programs are a source of happiness for a large number of those in need.

How to Participate in this program?

To take advantage of the benefits of the Roshan Gharana program, individuals must complete the registration process. The Punjab government still needs to establish a registration method; however, the program’s registration process will soon begin. Customers will register to become part of the Roshan Gharana program as quickly as possible. According to Maryam Nawaz, customers who use less than 200 units of electricity will be the program’s initial target. A lottery system will be used to choose eligible users from those who have registered. 

Get Solar System on Easy Installments

The individuals supplying the solar system will be chosen after their eligibility has been examined. People will receive these solar systems in easy instalments. People’s homes will be directly supplied with these solar systems. A regulatory body will monitor solar panel prices to prevent and enable consumers to purchase solar systems in convenient, discounted instalments. We will shortly send you information on registering for the Roshan Gharana program.

OverviewThe Roshan Gharana Scheme initiated by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz aims to provide solar systems to households consuming up to 100 units of electricity.
Solar Systems for 100 Units ConsumersThe scheme targets consumers using up to 100 units of electricity, offering them solar systems as part of the initiative


The Punjab government has taken a significant step in helping the province’s people with the Roshan Gharana program. The installation of a kilowatt solar system will commence immediately, as announced by Ms Maryam Nawaz Sharif. He has presented the concept of introducing cutting-edge solar technology to Punjab. Families receiving electricity bills up to 100 units will receive a special discount under this program.

Also Read: New Update! Which Farmers are Eligible For the Roshan Gharana Scheme in 2024


What is the electricity requirement for eligible families?

Families receiving electricity bills up to 100 units will receive a special discount under this program.

What is the number of solar systems that are distributed?

50,000 solar systems will be distributed to customers as part of this program

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