New Update Regarding Sehat Card in KPK 2024

Provincial Health Minister Syed Qasim Ali Shah on Tuesday told the media that free healthcare services have been reopened to the people of the province under the Health Card Plus program. By 2020, the program was expanded to cover the entire state and its annual budget was 18 billion rupees. 

Hospitals Accepting Free Services of Sehat Card

Governor Shah praises K-P for success in health card service. Currently, 118 public and private hospitals across the state provide free medical services more specifically. He said Rs 10 lakh had been spent on admission of 700 patients till Tuesday afternoon.

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300 million is currently spent on health cards in 2024

This shows the realization of former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision, which continues to succeed. An average of Rs 300 million is currently spent on health cards every month for recovery. Also, the Chief Minister announced the reopening of health cards in hospitals and the government allocated an additional Rs 500 billion for insurance. The previous government was reportedly financially weak by cutting off health cards during public office.

Number of hospitals with free medical services under health card118
Money spent on health cards monthlyRs. 300 million

List of 118 hospitals with free medical services

The Prime Minister said that the Ministry of Health Card is not a temporary project, but a long-term project. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, K-P state will see new development prospects. The Ministry of Health has published the list of hospitals on the health card that provides free medical facilities in 118 hospitals in the region. Governor Shah acknowledged that current challenges such as overbilling and disparity are being addressed by restricting certain procedures in public hospitals.

Difficulties and Challenges

The number of hospitals participating in the health Card program increased from 180 to more than 180. Governor Shah admitted financial difficulty continues with the system’s balance of Rs 1,800 crore. Despite these challenges, the government is determined to restart the program for beneficiaries.

Latest update

The State Assembly recently approved it a month ago, and despite the difficulties, overcoming them is important for the public’s health. The director said that Sehat Card’s health center will be opened. It will be further developed in the state in the coming days as it is considered the flagship project of the previous PTI government.

ریاستی اسمبلی نے حال ہی میں ایک ماہ قبل اس کی منظوری دی تھی اور مشکلات کے باوجود ان پر قابو پانا عوام کی صحت کے لیے اہم ہے۔ ڈائریکٹر نے کہا کہ صحت کارڈ کا مرکز صحت کھولا جائے گا۔ آنے والے دنوں میں اسے ریاست میں مزید ترقی دی جائے گی کیونکہ اسے پی ٹی آئی کی سابقہ حکومت کا فلیگ شپ پروجیکٹ سمجھا جاتا ہے۔


Sehat’s health card was suspended during the government audit and almost all MTI hospitals in the state went bankrupt. It was decided that the Sehat card would be allowed to be used for treatment purposes only in one public hospital in the district and that certain types of treatment would be offered only in MTI public hospitals.

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What kind of treatments are offered in MTI hospitals?

 It was decided that the Sehat card would be allowed to be used for treatment purposes only in one public hospital in the district and that certain types of treatment would be offered only in MTI public hospitals.

What is the amount spent on health cards every month?

An average of Rs 300 million is currently spent on health cards every month for recovery.

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