The Government launches Free books Scheme for students 2024

In this latest development, the Punjab government has allocated a lot of money to give free books to students who are enrolled in the government schools of Punjab. The 1.6 billion Rupees effort to provide free textbooks to graduates of Government schools is an important step towards opening up and promoting education. The app now provides university students access to important medical information and supports nature conservation through its tree-planting campaign.

Free books in Government Schools

The Finance Department allocated the proceeds to the School Education Department to distribute free books to schools in Punjab. School leaders were asked to use special cultivation tools to intervene in this ongoing project. Schools must record tree plantings from photos uploaded through the app. The platform will monitor the progress and success of the plantation. The education department has issued a letter to all school principals instructing them to donate e-books and plant trees. The guidelines aim to ensure equity and accountability in practice.

Free Books in SchoolsRs. 1.6 billionProvide free textbooks to government school students
Free E-book InitiativeRs. 160 millionDistribute e-books, support education and environment

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Allocation of 160 million Rupees for the free e-book initiative

The Punjab government has allocated Rs. 160 million for the free e-book initiative, signaling its efforts to promote education and environmental sustainability. By imparting important knowledge to school students and supporting agricultural projects, the authorities support all progress and make it profitable for the health of current and future generations. 

How Free Book Program can help students?

The Free Book Program benefits students, families, and entire schools. First, it eases the financial burden on parents and allows them to invest in more important aspects of their child’s education. It also creates a good learning environment by ensuring all students receive the necessary learning materials. 


In conclusion, the initiative of the free books scheme is a great step towards developing Pakistan’s education sector and education system. Many students in Pakistan don’t have even the necessary books, so they are not able to study. To help those students, the government of Pakistan announced the free books scheme.

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Why did the government of Pakistan announce the free books scheme?

Many of the students of Pakistan don’t have even the necessary books, so they are not able to study. To help those students, the government of Pakistan announced the free books scheme.

Who can benefit from the free book scheme?

The Free Book Program benefits students, families, and entire schools.

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