Major Decrease in Chicken Meat Prices in Lahore and Punjab Cities Latest Update

The price of chicken meat in Lahore and other cities in Punjab has significantly Decreased. As of Monday, the price per kilogram of poultry ranges between Rs 610-630. This rise is due to high demand for chicken compared to mutton and beef. During Eid, chicken prices were below Rs400 per kg, but they have since gone up. Decreased feed costs also contribute to this hike.

Recent Government-Regulated Chicken Prices in Lahore:

  • June 18: Rs555
  • June 19: Rs577
  • June 20: Rs595
  • June 21: Rs625
  • June 22: Rs605
  • June 23: Rs599

Shopkeepers are facing difficulties as their sales decline due to unpredictable prices, making negotiations with poultry farm agents challenging.

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Supply and Demand Dynamics

One of the primary reasons for the Decrease in chicken meat prices is the imbalance between supply and demand. As the demand for chicken continues to rise, the supply has not been able to keep up. This discrepancy leads to higher prices in the market. Factors contributing to this imbalance include seasonal fluctuations, changes in consumer preferences, and disruptions in the supply chain.

Impact on Consumers

Consumers are feeling the pinch as they have to spend more on chicken meat. This price hike affects household budgets, especially for those in lower-income brackets. Families that depend on chicken as a primary protein source are particularly affected. Many consumers are now looking for alternative sources of protein or reducing their overall consumption of meat.

Impact on Poultry Farmers

Poultry farmers are also affected by the Decrease in chicken prices. While higher prices can lead to Decreased revenues, the cost of production has also risen. Feed costs, transportation, and other operational expenses have gone up, squeezing the profit margins of farmers. Moreover, small-scale farmers find it challenging to compete with larger producers, further complicating the market dynamics.

Government and Regulatory Response

The government and regulatory bodies are monitoring the situation closely. Efforts are being made to stabilize the market by ensuring a steady supply of poultry products. Measures include supporting local farmers, improving supply chain logistics, and implementing price controls to prevent excessive profiteering. However, these interventions take time to show results and are not always immediately effective.

Long-term Solutions

To address the issue of rising chicken prices in the long term, several strategies can be considered. Enhancing poultry farming practices, investing in technology, and improving feed quality are essential steps. Additionally, diversifying protein sources and promoting sustainable farming methods can help mitigate the impact of such price fluctuations in the future.

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The significant Decrease in chicken meat prices in Lahore and Punjab cities is a multifaceted issue impacting consumers, farmers, and the market as a whole. While immediate measures are necessary to alleviate the burden on consumers, long-term solutions focusing on supply chain improvements and sustainable farming practices are crucial. Continued monitoring and proactive interventions by the government can help stabilize the market and ensure affordable prices for all.

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