Good News! New Method to Withdraw your Benazir Kafalat Payment 2024

The date of payment for the most recent installment of the Kafalat program has been officially announced by BISP. Giving beneficiaries complete guidance as they wait for the release date is the goal of this page. This note impacts you. Whether you are a current participant or have already registered, keep reading to learn how to receive your money in full and what to do if you forget a payment.

How to Withdraw Kafalat Payment?

Many users worried about the payment method when the change in release date was revealed. You can be confident that the payment collection process is still being followed. Recipients may take their money out of any nearby Konnect agent store or BISP payment facility, just like in the past. However, at this moment, cash withdrawals from the bank will not be possible.

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Verify the Benazir Kafalat Amount 

Knowing the amount due to individuals who made their last payment late is crucial. Thank you. You may now check your eligibility online from the convenience of your home. Enter your ID card number on the BISP portal at BISP 8171 to check your payment details. This allows you to confirm the money before accepting it.

Get Benazir Kafalat Payment Twice

Programs Kafalat Sometimes, some beneficiaries get two payouts. Among other things, that irritates them. It is essential to realize that those previously rejected for various reasons only receive payments twice from the BISP. You can receive two payments if your account was blocked or you weren’t granted your rights the first time. Make sure you use a specified way to monitor the status of your online payment before making a deposit.

How to Withdraw Kafalat Payment– Recipients can withdraw money from any nearby Konnect agent store or BISP payment facility, similar to the previous process. – Cash withdrawals from banks are currently unavailable.
Verify the Benazir Kafalat Amount– Individuals can check their payment details online from home by entering their ID card number on the BISP portal at BISP 8171
Getting Benazir Kafalat Payment Twice– Some beneficiaries may receive two payouts due to previous rejections or account blockages. Ensure to monitor the status of online payments before accepting additional deposits.


On this page, beneficiaries of the general Kafalat program can discover all the information they want. It also answers payment release dates, deposit methods, and double payment inquiries. Do not hesitate to pose more queries in the comments area.

Also Read: Qualify for Benazir Kafalat Payment in 2024 (Latest Eligibility Requirements)


From which Platform can we withdraw the BISP Kafalat Payment?

Recipients may take their money out of any nearby Konnect agent store or BISP payment facility, just like in the past. 

How can we check the payment details of the Benazir Kafalat Payment?

Enter your ID card number on the BISP portal at BISP 8171 to check your payment details. 

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