PM Laptop Scheme 2024 Explained: Can You Get a Free Laptop?

The government is set to begin registration for the PM laptop scheme, prompting many students to inquire about eligibility. This article provides comprehensive information on eligibility, guidance, and eligibility evaluation. Students can easily evaluate their eligibility and, if they meet the criteria, can receive a free laptop from the government. The article is designed to help students understand their eligibility and apply for the laptop program. For more information, please refer to the provided article.

Prime Minister Laptop Scheme and its features

The Prime Minister Laptop Scheme is a Pakistani government initiative, initiated under the Prime Minister’s supervision, aiming to distribute laptops to male and female students based on their educational qualifications, enabling them to continue their education according to modern global requirements. The scheme also aims to eradicate poverty and promote modern education.

The scheme aims to eradicate poverty by providing laptops to students, enabling them to create online employment opportunities, thus contributing to the government’s efforts to eradicate poverty. This will likely spark curiosity among students

PurposeProvide laptops to students in public universities, fostering education and poverty eradication.
Eligibility CriteriaIncludes students pursuing higher education, excludes those without complete educational details or non-residents.
Application ProcessApply online via the government’s portal, no other methods accepted.
Expected ImpactBoost online employment opportunities, aiding poverty reduction efforts.
Updates AvailabilityApply online via the government’s portal, no other methods are accepted.

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Eligible Students 2024

Eligibility for Scholarship Scheme:

  • Students studying at public-sector universities of HEC-recognized institutions.
  • Students pursuing Ph.D., MS, MPhil., or equivalent 18-year programs.
  • Students enrolled in four-year or five-year bachelor’s degree programs.
  • Students enrolled in MBA programs (3.5 years, 2.5 years, 1.5 years).

Ineligible Students

Laptop Scheme Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students without complete educational details.
  • Non-permanent residents of Pakistan.
  • Convicted of any illegal crime.
  • Students receiving laptops from the earlier scheme phase.
  • Students not submitting online application.
  • Students in private-sector higher education institutions.
  • Students completing degree programs at laptop distribution time.
  • Students without required documents are also ineligible.

How To Apply For PM Laptop Scheme 2024

Students interested in obtaining a laptop can submit their application through the Pakistani Government’s special portal,, which is exclusively online, and should not rely on any other method.


Pakistan’s government plans to launch a laptop scheme registration soon, prompting many students to inquire about eligibility criteria. The article provides detailed information on eligibility criteria, allowing students to submit their applications during the registration process. Any updates on the scheme will be available on the government’s website. Students can expect to know more about the scheme’s benefits and eligibility criteria.

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Q: Is the PM Laptop Scheme real?

A: Yes! The Pakistani government is offering laptops to students, but there are eligibility requirements.

Q: Who can get a free laptop?

A: Students in public universities or HEC-approved institutions enrolled in bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, or similar programs might be eligible.

Q: Am I automatically eligible if I meet those requirements?

A: Not necessarily. There might be specific academic requirements or limitations on who can apply (e.g., not already received a laptop from the program).

Q: How do I know if I’m eligible?

A: The exact criteria will be announced on the official website:

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