Register for the 12000 Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program

Due to increasing inflation in Pakistan, the government has launched the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program to provide financial aid to poor people. Instead of 25,000 rupees, people will be given 12,000 rupees to help them cope with rising living costs. In response to this economic challenge, the program aims to offer financial relief to the economically disadvantaged population by providing a stipend of 12,000 rupees. This initiative seeks to ease the financial burden on families struggling with the increasing cost of living.

Simplified Registration Process

The government will conduct the registration process through NADRA exclusively in the month of October. The 12,000 rupees will be given through the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program and will be delivered at home to avoid any inconvenience. To receive this financial aid, you need to sign up your children for educational scholarships under the Ehsaas program. Visit your nearest NADRA office with the necessary documents, fill out the registration form, and submit it. Once approved, the 12,000 rupees will be delivered to your home, providing much-needed financial support.

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How to Register for the NSER Survey Online

If you are not already in the program and want to enroll, visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) office. This is a great opportunity to join the program and receive financial support.

Steps to Register:

  1. Visit the Nearest BISP Office: If you face any issues, go to the BISP office for assistance.
  2. Registration: Once registered, you will be able to join the support program and receive payments.
  3. Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria to receive the benefits.

By following these steps, you can join the Benazir Income Support Program and receive financial aid. This initiative by the government of Pakistan aims to support those in need.

Key Details of the 12,000 Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program

Stipend Amount

  • 12,000 rupees

Eligibility Requirement

  • Registration of children for educational scholarships

Previous Programs

  • Benazir Income Support Program

Registration Methods

  • Online via official website
  • Ehsaas Centers
  • Benazir Income Support Program offices

Documentation Required

  • CNIC
  • Registered Phone Number
  • FRC List
  • Monthly Income Certificate

Program Start Date

  • June 2024

Important Note

Registering in the Benazir Income Support Program is straightforward. Eligible individuals can earn money and receive full payments without any issues. This initiative by the government of Pakistan is a significant step to support poor and deserving families. Ensure your registration to benefit from this program.

How to Register for the 12,000 Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program

If you want to receive 12,000 rupees from the Ehsaas program and haven’t registered yet, don’t worry. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official Ehsaas program website published by the government of Pakistan.
  2. Click on the Registration Button: Find and click the registration button.
  3. Fill Out the Form: A form will appear. Provide all the requested information, including your ID card number and phone number.
  4. Wait for Confirmation: After submitting the form, wait for a message from the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). The message will confirm your information has been received and will inform you about the verification process.


You don’t need to visit the NADRA office. Check your eligibility online and then visit the nearest BISP office if required. Provide all your information to complete the registration. If your initial registration is unsuccessful, update your information and try again. The government of Pakistan aims to ensure financial support reaches deserving individuals through the Benazir Income Support Program.

Also Read: Good News: BISP Kafaalat and Taleem o Wazaif Release 10,500 + 4500 Amount in 2024


  1. What is the stipend amount for the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program? 

12,000 rupees.

  1. Who is eligible for the 12,000 rupees stipend? 

Economically disadvantaged individuals with children registered for educational scholarships.

  1. How can I register for the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program? Visit the official Ehsaas program website and fill out the registration form.
  2. When will the registration for the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program be conducted? Exclusively in the month of October.
  3. Do I need to visit the NADRA office for registration? 

No, you can register online and only visit if required.

  1. What documents are needed for registration? 

CNIC, registered phone number, FRC list, and monthly income certificate.

  1. How will I receive the stipend after registration? 

The 12,000 rupees will be delivered to your home.

  1. What should I do if my initial registration is unsuccessful? 

Update your information and try again.

Is it necessary to visit the BISP office for assistance? 

Only if you face issues or need help with the registration process.

  1. What is the main goal of the Ehsaas NADRA Survey Program? 

To provide financial support to poor and deserving families.

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