Breaking News: Roshan Punjab Program and E-Bike Scheme Latest Updates 2024

Important modifications have been made to Punjab’s Roshan Gharana and e-bike schemes recently. Launched by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the e-bike program gives students motorbikes. However, the program has been temporarily suspended owing to a court ruling. Affected as well has been the procedure of sending ID cards to 8800 for eligibility and verification. Meanwhile, the free solar plate program known as Roshan Gharana has also been shelved.

Roshan Punjab Program and E-Bike Scheme

  • Closure of E-bike project: Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif temporarily ended the e-bike project.
  • Students were to get motorcycles under the program.
  • Court ruling: A ruling by the court to withhold student motorcycle distribution led to the e-bike program’s demise.
  • The procedure of Verification by 8800:
  • As of right now, sending your ID card to 8800 for eligibility or verification does not yield any reliable information.
  • The eligibility through this procedure is unknown.
  • Free solar plate program Roshan Gharana: This program has been suspended.
  • A dearth of details and eligibility requirements has forced the plan to be temporarily closed. 

The latest updates on the E-Bike Scheme in Punjab, Pakistan for 2024 (as of May 14, 2024) involve a temporary hold and some key points:

Temporary Hold:

  • The Lahore High Court (LHC) issued an interim order in early May 2024 halting the distribution of electric bikes to students.
  • The court expressed concerns about safety and potential misuse.
  • Distribution is on hold until the court receives a comprehensive report from the government on the program.
Program NameRoshan Punjab Program and E-Bike Scheme
DescriptionGovernment initiatives in Punjab: E-bike scheme providing motorcycles to students and Roshan Gharana offering free solar plates
Recent Updates– E-bike project temporarily suspended due to court ruling – Verification process through 8800 halted
Reason for ClosureCourt ruling against motorcycle distribution for students led to suspension of e-bike program
Status of Verification ProcessSending ID card to 8800 for eligibility or verification currently not providing reliable information
Suspension of Roshan GharanaFree solar plate program suspended due to lack of details and eligibility requirements

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Notable are the temporary closures of the Punjabi e-bike and Roshan Gharana schemes. Closing these schemes was decided upon by a court decision because there was insufficient reliable information about eligibility. People are so cautioned from sending their ID cards to 8800 to confirm their eligibility. The moment updates on the reintroduction of these programs become available, they will be posted.

Also Read: Good News: CM Punjab Launched the 1st Chief Minister Skills Development Programme 2024


What is the reason behind the e-bike program’ closure?

A court ruling not to give pupils motorbikes has resulted in the closure of the e-bike program.

Can I submit my ID card to 8800 for verification still?

No, at this time submitting your ID card to 8800 for eligibility or verification is not delivering any real information.

At what stage is the Roshan Gharana scheme?

Free solar plate program Roshan Gharana has been temporarily suspended because information and eligibility requirements are lacking.

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