Government Allocates Rs. 5 Billion Subsidy for Metro Bus and Orange Line Train Passengers

A Rs. 5 billion subsidy has been set aside by the Punjab Finance Department to assist Metro Bus and Orange Line Train riders. The goal of this funding is to provide lower travel costs, which will lessen the load on people who commute every day. Efficient and transparent online disbursement of the subsidy to the Mass Transit Authority is planned.

Key Points

  • Subsidy Allocation: Rs. 5 billion is given to people traveling on the Metro Bus and Orange Line Train.
  • The goal is to provide commuters with affordable transportation options.
  • Payment: The Mass Transit Authority receives the subsidy via an internet system.
Key PointsDetails
Subsidy AllocationPunjab Finance Department allocates Rs. 5 billion subsidy for Metro Bus and Orange Line Train riders, aiming to provide affordable transportation options and ease daily commute burden.
ImplementationSubsidy disbursed to Mass Transit Authority online; subsidy crucial for enhancing public transportation accessibility; plans underway for further transportation infrastructure upgrades, including metro bus projects and underground train in Lahore.

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The Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT)

One of Punjab’s major infrastructure projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT). For its contributions to public transportation, this project has won recognition, including the “Brands Icons of Pakistan 2023” award. Built by China North Industries Corporation and China Railway Group Corporation, it was officially opened as Pakistan’s first mass fast urban transit train on October 25, 2020, in Lahore.

Importance of the Subsidy

The Punjab Finance Department’s Rs. 5 billion subsidy is essential to increasing the affordability and accessibility of public transportation. It is a component of the government’s larger plan to upgrade the infrastructure of public transportation and give the general public affordable travel options.

Future Plans

The Punjab Chief Minister, Maryam Nawaz, chaired a recent meeting when ideas to improve the province’s transportation system were addressed. This includes the creation of metro bus projects in three other Punjabi cities and an underground train project in Lahore. It is anticipated that these measures would enhance connection throughout the province and significantly modernize the public transportation network.


The government’s commitment to providing reasonably priced public transportation is demonstrated by the award of a Rs. 5 billion subsidy for passengers on Metro Bus and Orange Line Trains. Commuters will find travel more affordable thanks to this subsidy, which will improve Punjab’s public transportation system as a whole.

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What is the purpose of the Rs. 5 billion subsidy?
The subsidy aims to provide discounted travel options for passengers using the Metro Bus and Orange Line Train services in Punjab.

When was the Orange Line Metro Train inaugurated?
The Orange Line Metro Train was inaugurated on October 25, 2020, in Lahore.

Who constructed the Orange Line Metro Train?
The train was constructed by China Railway Group Corporation and China North Industries Corporation as part of the CPEC initiative.

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