Big News! The Government Started Giving the Loans to Poor for Help Latest Updates 2024

Give 10 lakh Amdan with Ehsaas Naye Zindagi Program Revised most recently. In our highly respectable society, certain people shatter mountains of violence and injustice against women. The Pakistani government has started the Ehsaas Naye Zinadgi Program to give people social security. Acid assaults had been increasing before 2020. Mostly women were the targets of these attacks. Many flaws in the law prevented action against the contributing factors, which left the weaker individuals in ongoing pain.

Eligibility Criteria

There are very few requirements for eligibility to the Ehsaas New Life Program. Every attacked person is qualified for this program and can receive a payment of more than 10 lakh rupees for his treatment and surgery if he has a FIR of the accident, his identity card or Bay form, and a medical report of the affected part.

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Objectives of Ehsaas Nayi Zindagi

Many goals were set when the Ehsaas Nayi Zindagi Program was first introduced.

  • Affected people’s quality of life can be enhanced and the effects of acid attacks can be lessened with access to the Ehsaas Nyee Zindagi program.
  • They are essential to the victims’ recovery since they help them to lead as independent and fulfilling lives in society as they can.
  • Services for victims of acid attacks
  • Protection of their social rights in society
  • Provision of a dignified existence
  • Training in self-employment skills
  • Help in generating money through loan provision.

acid attacks the victims of this terrible crime are given financial support. These individuals also get interest-free loans for work and surgeries. 

Program NameEhsaas Nayi Zindagi Loan
DescriptionA government initiative to provide financial aid and support to victims of acid attacks.
Eligibility Criteria– Must have filed a First Information Report (FIR) – Must provide identity card or Bay form – Must provide a medical report of the affected part
Objectives– Enhance quality of life for affected individuals – Provide social rights protection – Ensure a dignified existence – Offer self-employment skills training – Provide interest-free loans for surgeries and work
Budget AllocationInitial allocation: Twenty crore rupees


Twenty crore rupees were the initial amount allotted for this initiative. Surgery is expensive, so not everyone can afford it.The impacted individuals receive assistance with their businesses and jobs as well as treatment to help them get back on their feet. There is no gender prejudice in this curriculum; it is intended for both men and women. With any luck, this post has enlightened you all about the Ehsaas Nayee Zindagi Program. You may also call the helpline at 1221 if you would want any further information on the Ehsaas Nai Zindagi program.

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How much budget has the Pakistani Government allotted for the Ehsaas Nayi Zindagi Program?

Twenty crore rupees were the initial amount allotted for this initiative. Surgery is expensive, so not everyone can afford it.

What will be the benefit of the Ehsaas Nayi Zindagi Program?

Affected people’s quality of life can be enhanced and the effects of acid attacks can be lessened with access to the Ehsaas Nyee Zindagi program.

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