Exciting News! What are the Things included in the “Solar System Package” 2024

The installation of solar power systems for about 50,000 homes throughout the province has been approved by the Punjab government. Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz gave officials instructions during the meeting to carry out a thorough analysis to determine the viability and advantages of installing solar power systems in different Punjabi homes. 

Things Included in the Solar System Package

Two solar panels, batteries for energy storage, an inverter for converting solar energy into usable electricity, and the required wiring for connectivity are all included in each solar system package. These systems are made to run small motors, lights, fans, and other necessities while offering continuous power for up to 16 hours when a battery backup is used.

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Aim of the Roshan Gharana Scheme

The CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme wants to lessen the burden on the traditional electrical grid and open the door for a better, more sustainable future for Punjab by giving away free solar panels and encouraging sustainable energy solutions.

Renewable Energy Resources

To meet the rising demand for electricity while lowering carbon emissions, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz underlined the significance of switching to renewable energy sources during a session held in Lahore, where this decision was made. This program is in line with the government’s objective to support renewable energy sources and lessen dependency on fossil fuels.


The importance of providing families with renewable energy solutions has been highlighted by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, who additionally highlighted that the initiative would help with environmental conservation efforts in addition to lowering electricity bills. She highlighted how solar energy could help domestic consumers meet their energy needs. She restated the promise made by the government to gradually increase the number of solar system installations so that more Punjabi homes would be covered. Installing solar systems will be beneficial for homes using up to 100 units of electricity under the approved plan.

Also Read: Get Registered for the Ehsaas Rashan Program from Your Home 2024 (Complete Details)


Who will get the solar system?

Installing solar systems will be beneficial for homes using up to 100 units of electricity under the approved plan.

What is the aim of the solar system program?

The CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme wants to lessen the burden on the traditional electrical grid and open the door for a better

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