Important News: New Eligibility Criteria for 25,000 from Ehsaas Program 2024

Recently, the Ehsaas program has announced that some changes are being made to receive the new amount. These changes are being made for your convenience so that you can easily get the money from this program. 

Let us tell you why the new changes made by this program have been made. I will tell you here that these changes are about the eligibility criteria. But you will find all its details below. So read this article carefully.

Ehsaas Program Support 25,000

As you guys know that 25 thousand rupees will be given to poor students by Ehsaas program. The government of Pakistan has estimated that there are about 60 lakh people in Pakistan who are unemployed, i.e. suffering from poverty. Such people cannot meet their household expenses, so how will they educate their children. 

For their convenience, the government of Pakistan has started giving educational stipends to their children so that they can complete their studies and make the name of the country Pakistan bright and become a bright star. People who are poor, eunuchs and widows will also be included in this program. Further registration process is given below.

Also Read: How To Get 19000 Through Ehsaas Program By Maryam Nawaz 2024

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Ehsaas Program Register for Assistance Now

Ehsaas Program is an aid program created by the Government of Pakistan. From which countless poor people have benefited and will continue to do so in the future. Recently, it has been decided to provide financial assistance of 25 thousand rupees to the poor, widows and eunuchs from this program. 

Let’s further talk that people who have very low monthly income will be included in this program which means they cannot meet their expenses easily. The government has also noted that Eid-ul-Adha is going to be a great celebration, so people should not be worried about this happiness, but should participate fully in this happiness together with their families so that everyone’s face shines. 

If you also want to register in this program but you don’t know the registration process, then don’t worry because you have reached the right platform. Here everything will be explained to you in very simple and clear words, after which you will easily qualify yourself in this program.

Eligibility Criteria To Get 25,000

We’ve updated the eligibility criteria to make registration easier for you. Here’s what you need to qualify:

  1. You must be Pakistani.
  2. Your household’s monthly income should be less than 30,000 rupees.
  3. You have not traveled abroad.
  4. You own less than five acres of agricultural land.
  5. You have not engaged in unethical activities.
  6. You do not work for the government.

If you meet these criteria, you can proceed with the registration process. 

Essential Documents

  1. Your Pakistani national identity card.
  2. Your children’s NADRA birth certificates.
  3. A record of your monthly household expenses.
  4. Copies of your household electricity and gas bills.
  5. Your permanent home address and residency details.

Gather these documents to complete your registration easily.

Easy Method To Apply For Ehsaas Program

To register for the Ehsaas program, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the BISP 8171 website.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your National Identity Card number and mobile phone number.
  3. Provide all the required information mentioned earlier.
  4. Click on the registration button.
  5. You’ll receive an SMS on your mobile within a few days to confirm your eligibility.
  6. If approved, visit the nearest BISP 8171 office to receive your benefits.

These steps will help you complete your registration easily and receive updates on your eligibility status promptly.


Ehsaas Program is an excellent program launched by the Government of Pakistan. Through which financial assistance of 25 thousand rupees is being provided to 60 lakh people. If you also want to ensure your registration process in this program, then you should read and understand everything given in the above article carefully. Even after this, if any question comes to your mind, you can easily ask it in the comment section.

Also Read: How to Receive Ehsaas Payments in Phase II 2024 (Complete Guide)


Who is eligible to receive the 25,000 rupees from the Ehsaas program?

Individuals must be Pakistani citizens with a household monthly income below 30,000 rupees, no travel abroad history, less than five acres of agricultural land, no involvement in unethical activities, and not employed by the government.

What if I don’t have access to the internet?

You can visit any BISP 8171 office near your home to complete the registration process in person.

Can widows, eunuchs, and poor individuals apply for this program?

Yes, widows, eunuchs, and individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds are eligible to apply for financial assistance under the Ehsaas Program.

Is there a deadline for registration?

There is usually a specified period for registration announced by the Ehsaas program. It’s advisable to check the official announcements for any updates regarding deadlines.

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