Breaking News: CM Punjab Introduces Roshan Gharana Program to Provide Solar Plates to 50, Families

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced the Roshan Gharana Program for Punjab Families, which will provide solar plates to the poor people of Punjab. This will enable them to convert their houses to solar plates and pay their total electricity expenses without having to pay for the electricity bill.

The program will qualify 50,000 families and provide solar plate loans to Punjab Banks in their local area. Each family can get three solar plates on an ID card. The program also offers solar plate loans with net cash, allowing families to access electricity without paying significant bills. The program is expected to benefit the poor and provide a significant boost to the economy.

How to Apply for the Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme

This article provides information on eligibility for the Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme and loans for solar panels. It aims to address the issue of families not receiving loans for the Solar Plates Program. The article emphasizes the importance of ensuring eligibility and not panicking, as Imran Khan said. The article encourages families to seek help from their local Punjab Bank to secure the necessary loans.

Eligibility CriteriaRequirements
ResidenceMust be a resident of Punjab
Household IncomeMust fall below a certain income threshold to qualify
Loan AccessFamilies can apply for solar plate loans through their local Punjab Bank
ID CardEach family member applying for solar plates must possess a valid ID card

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Benefits of the Roshan Ghar Scheme

The Roshan Ghar Scheme, initiated by Maryam Nawaz, aims to help poor and deserving individuals pay their electricity bills by converting their homes to solar panels. The scheme aims to eliminate the need to pay bills to institutions. Maryam Nawaz has launched a helpline number for those facing problems, providing comfort and solutions. The scheme aims to help individuals overcome their electricity bills and improve their lives.


The Punjab Solar Panel Scheme has updated its eligibility process for those who have not yet received a loan. Maryam Nawaz has launched a website to help individuals ensure their eligibility. To apply, individuals must download and print an eligibility registration form, which can be checked by a representative at a local Punjab Bank. If they meet the eligibility criteria, they must obtain a loan from the bank to obtain their solar plate. If problems persist, they can contact the manager at the local bank or Maryam Nawaz’s helpline. The scheme aims to provide information and assistance to those who have not yet received a loan.

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How many families will benefit from the program?

The program targets to qualify 50,000 families and provide them with solar panel loans through Punjab Banks in their local areas.

How can families apply for the Punjab Roshan Gharana Scheme?

Families can seek assistance from their local Punjab Bank to secure the necessary loans for solar panels. They should ensure eligibility and not panic if facing difficulties.

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