Good News BISP New Qist Released 10500 For Eligible Person

It was announced in the program that the new Benazir Qist Released is 10500. All poor and needy families who are enrolled in the BISP program can now get a new installment of 10500. Payment under the BISP scheme increased from 9000 to 10500. Stay tuned for all the details of the new 2024 payment and be ready to get all the details about the new payment under the BiSP scheme.

All families which receive financial assistance from the program, Good news to all those! In the 2024 new installment, this amount increased to 10500. This amount is valid for all families registered in the Ehsaas program. All families who did not register after registering in the new 2024 survey are asked to register now. Be a part of the Ehsaas program and get the financial assistance you deserve.

Latest Update Registration:

New registration to the BISP 8171 program has also been announced. All families living in every corner of Pakistan can enroll in this program. You must be eligible to enroll in the Ehsaas program. If you qualify, you will be eligible to enroll in the BISP program. 

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How to Register for the Program?

To register and complete your application, please follow the steps below:

  • Enter your ID number on 8171.
  • The registration process will start.
  • Soon you will receive all the details about your eligibility.
  • If you are eligible for the Ehsaas scheme, your registration process is complete.
  • You can go through all the details related to your money.

BISP provides financial assistance to alleviate financial difficulties for these projects to eliminate poverty in Pakistan and build a developed and progressive country. The objective is more sustainable. and prosperous Pakistan.

What’s the process for receiving a new Payment?

Those who are already enrolled in the plan can find out in full detail how much you will be paid. Please visit the official website of the BISP program to get full details of your account. You will receive a form to enter your identification number. After entering the verification code below.

Click the Send button. If you have registered before, you will be informed of all the details about the price. You will be informed whether the amount has been transferred to your account or not. After the money is transferred to your account, you can withdraw the money by going to any seller.

Objective of the Program in 2024

The BISP program alleviates the suffering of the poor by providing them with financial assistance. Thanks to the BISP program, every poor person can meet their basic needs. In addition, all the poor, widows, and elderly have nothing to meet their basic needs, the BISP program provides financial assistance to help them meet their basic needs without being a burden.

Also Read: Ehsaas 9000 New Payments Through BISP 2024 Latest Update


If there is a widow or a disabled person around you, please enroll them in the program immediately so that they can easily follow their needs and receive money without being a burden to anyone. Registration for the program has been announced. The next bonus of the BISP plan increased from 9000 to 10500.

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